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The last show in November is the London Gem & Mineral Show. The show is located in London, ON. It is approximately 2-3 hours drive from Toronto. We finally can rest for a few days. We visited the biggest mall in Toronto - The Yorkdale Mall. It literally has all the stores that I could think of. The show has a very interesting live auction. The host is one of our vendors. He is very professional in the auction. When he speaks, we can barely hear what he's talking about because he speaks so fast. We love going to shows like this one, and it's always a bonus when you can find a new wholesale customer. Lucky for us, we meet a new friend this time. They are actually vendors too. We found out that a large percentage of our wholesale customers we have are found when doing shows together with us. Toronto is so pretty at night!!The two weeks business trip ends here, now we are heading back to Vancouver for our last show of the year.
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