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June 30, 2015Mark your calendar! SilviaFindings is proud to announce its upcoming shows in the next half year of 2015 as followings:(1) July 18 - 19, 2015, Okanagan Gem ShowAdd: Winfield memorial Hall, 3270 Berry Road, Winfield, BC(2) July 24 -26, 2015, The Gem Expo - TorontoAdd: Hyatt Regency on King, 370 King Street West, Toronto, ON(3) July 30, 31 - August 1, 2, 2015, Annual Rockhound Gemboree (New)Add: 16 Station Street, Bancroft, ON(4) August 9 - 11, 2015, Mode Accessories (New)Add: International Plaza Hotel, 655 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON(5) August 14 - 16, 2015, Vancouver Gem and Mineral Show (New)Add: Kitsilano Ice Rink, 2690 Larch Street, Vancouver, BC(6) August 21 - 23, 2015, Victoria Rock and Gem Show (New)Add: Pearkes Field House, 3100 Tillicum Rd, Saanich, BC(7) September 11 - 13, 2015, Vancouver Bead & Jewellery Show (New)Add: The Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC(8) September 20 - 21, 2015, Vancouver Gift ExpoAdd: PNE (2901 East Hasting Street, Vancouver), Vanvouver, BC(9) October 3 - 4, 2015, Vancouver Island Bead & Jewelry ShowAdd: Main Hall, Saanich Fairgrounds, 1528 Stellys Cross Road, Saanichton BC(10) October 17 - 18, 2015, Surrey Rockhound Club ShowAdd: Sullivan Hall, 6306-152nd Street, Surrey,BC(11) October 23 - 25, 2015, Fraser Valley Bead ShowAdd: Cascades Casino /Coast Hotel, 20393 Fraser Highway, Langley, BC(12) October 24 - 25, 2015, Port Moody Rock & Gem Club ShowAdd: Kyle Centre, 125 Kyle Street, Port Moody, BC(13) November 7 - 8, 2015, Toronto Bead Society Show Add: Toronto Reference Library, Appel Salon, 2nd floor, 789 Yonge St. Toronto, ON(14) November 14 - 15, 2015, London Gem and Mineral Show Add: Western Fairgrounds 316 Rectory Street – Canada Building (New Large Venue "Canada Building"), London, ONIt is our great pleasure to meet all new and old clients at the shows.Thank you.SilviaFindings Team
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