SilviaFindings Facebook LIVE Showroom EPISODE 17 - All About Pearl Settings

Article published at: Aug 17, 2020 Article author: admin Article tag: gold findings
SilviaFindings Facebook LIVE Showroom EPISODE 17 - All About Pearl Settings
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SilviaFindings Facebook LIVE Showroom EPISODE 17 - All About Pearl Settings

Monday, August 17, 2020 at 6:54 am -0700 /

LIVE Video Recording

Sterling silver and gold jewellery findings and settings

Facebook Live Showroom EPISODE 17

10:30 am Pacific Time

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

All About Pearl Settings


1) Live orders get 10% off regular price for members of related social media groups and clubs/societies. (excludes wholesale orders)

2) FREE regular/lettermail shipping on orders placed during the event.

3) Check immediate product availability.

4) FREE GIFT when you share our event while live.


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