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We realize that it’s has been a while since our last communication with you.But you are amazing people so we’re back into the full swing of things.
A look back at SilviaFindings in 20172017 was a very busy year for SilviaFindings. We have made significant improvements to our website and made it easier for you to shop online; we are quite proud of them. Thanks to all of you for making that possible. We have increased the amount of people that make up the SilviaFindings’ team and that allows us to serve you better. We have participated in many shows across many of the provinces in Canada. We have sponsored many club events such as the Maple Ridge Lapidary Club, Terminal City Glass Co-op, and the Creative Jewellers Guild. We have developed a sponsorship strategy to facilitate others to apply for sponsorship. We held two new DIY Jewellery Corner events that provided one-on-one instructional information about setting your stones.
We cannot believe how fast the year has flown by! A glance at what’s upcoming at SilviaFindings in 2018 We have again a long list of shows scheduled for 2018. We will keep adding members to our community and whom we are proud of. We will continue sponsoring club and local events. Be sure to read our sponsorship strategy https://silviafindings.com/sponsorship-strategy and submit your application if you are interested in us sponsoring any of your events. We will increase our participation at local clubs and related organizations. We will initiate and undertake a major DIY online based project that will allow people to design, customize, and personalize their own jewelry findings. To achieve this major goal, training is required, internal and external group interactions must be established, and technological changes are necessary. All of these elements will take some time. We will continue to increase our social media engagement. We hope to get you more engaged. Please provide us with your inputs and comments. Also let us know if you’d be interested in leading discussions on specific topics that you have expertise and experience with and wish to share with others that share the same interests. We will hold more DIY Jewellery Corner events in our showroom throughout the year. If there are any specific areas you would like more hands-on help and support with, please send them to us.
We always appreciate your support and look forward to helping you make meaningful changes in your jewelry making business. Please share with like-mind jewelry makers and leave us your comments below!
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